What Is Street Furniture?

Ezi Security street furniture seating

If you have heard the term ‘street furniture‘ but are unsure how this relates to security solutions, read on. The need for perimeter security around crowded places like shopping centres, malls, plazas, sporting arenas, and concert venues is rising. Barriers protecting against vehicular attacks are now essential, as these places appear to be prime targets for terror plots. And let’s not forget the seemingly ever-present threat of cars veering off the road due to reckless driver behaviour, either through alcohol abuse or lack of sleep. Including protective perimeters in urban design can deter, delay, and prevent vehicle collisions and pedestrian injury.

Street furniture with aesthetic appeal

Ezi Security System’s goal is to provide a discreet, secure environment that prevents or discourages antisocial activity. For example, functional street furniture like safety bollards or planters can stop thieves from driving through pharmacy windows and stealing pharmaceuticals. Well-chosen street furniture can significantly improve security and pedestrian safety, especially in inner-city practices.

Softening security measures

Many urban landscapes can appear stark and confronting. The right street furniture can soften the starker additions to contemporary streetscapes. Attractive and carefully placed street furniture can create a visitor-friendly ambiance if you need to erect blockers, bollards, and crowd control barriers to prevent hostile vehicles from impacting safety.

Ezi Security System’s street furniture solutions

Our street furniture provides elegant solutions for those in need. Ezi Security System’s products l provide security and add interest and functionality to the urban environment.

  • Bollards

    Place our convenient bollards across various locations to increase security and protect pedestrians. Bollards protect pedestrians not only from hostile attacks but also from vehicular damage. We stock a range of remotely controlled bollards, allowing access to relevant maintenance and security personnel where needed.

  • Planters

    Our planters offer the advantage of added security layers while also improving your location’s aesthetics. Plants and greenery drastically change a location’s feel and encourages foot traffic into and through areas. Human beings are naturally inclined towards greenery, and studies show that being surrounded by plants and flowers is important for a healthy mind. Adding our high-protection planters to your location will increase security and improve the aesthetics.

  • Seating

    Our Crash Bench 40 provides an effective vehicle barrier while also adding functionality to city spaces. This product offers dual purposes – it’s not just a security block – it can also be used for leisure with its included seats and tables. This project is also well suited for flood defense by riverbanks, due to its mobile nature. It is not fixed to the ground and can be moved to wherever it is needed. Simply mark out the desired location and we can install the bench there.

Create safe, aesthetically pleasing spaces with Ezi Security Systems

Our street furniture range offers a complete solution for securing urban areas and pedestrian access from hostile vehicle entry and attack without compromising visual appeal or atmosphere.

Contact Ezi Security today to find out how we can help you create a safe and secure urban environment.
